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作者:知识 来源:焦点 浏览: 【 】 发布时间:2024-09-20 18:52:47 评论数:


本文目录一览 1、“尽量”用英语怎么说?英语英语 2、尽量的说尽英文怎么说? 3、尽量的量用英文。 4、尽量尽量的英语英语英文是什么? 5、尽量用英语怎么说?说尽 “尽量”用英语怎么说? 尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的量用路线,尽量走大路。尽量Plan your route in advance,英语英语 using main roads as f...


  • 1、说尽“尽量”用英语怎么说?量用
  • 2、尽量的尽量英文怎么说?
  • 3、尽量的英语英语英文。
  • 4、说尽尽量的英文是什么?
  • 5、尽量用英语怎么说?


尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.并且尽量。

尽量的英文:as far as possible 例句:We can imagine, we can review as far as possible, as far as possible to find the.我们可以想象一下,我们可以尽量的回顾,尽量的去找寻。

as...as possible.as soon as possible 尽快 还有一种表达,Ill try my best. 我尽量。

最简单,最常用就是try ones best.尽力的意思。例句:i will try my best to do this work.我会尽量去做好这个工作。

尽量少用 Use as little as possible 尽量 多音字:[jìn liàng][jǐn liàng][词典] (drink or eat) to the full;[例句]我会尽量不惹人注意。


尽量的英文:as far as possible 例句:We can imagine, we can review as far as possible, as far as possible to find the.我们可以想象一下,我们可以尽量的回顾,尽量的去找寻。

尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.并且尽量。

as...as possible.as soon as possible 尽快 还有一种表达,Ill try my best. 我尽量。

最简单,最常用就是try ones best.尽力的意思。例句:i will try my best to do this work.我会尽量去做好这个工作。


尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.并且尽量。

尽量的英文:as far as possible 例句:We can imagine, we can review as far as possible, as far as possible to find the.我们可以想象一下,我们可以尽量的回顾,尽量的去找寻。

as...as possible.as soon as possible 尽快 还有一种表达,Ill try my best. 我尽量。


尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.并且尽量。

尽量的英文:as far as possible 例句:We can imagine, we can review as far as possible, as far as possible to find the.我们可以想象一下,我们可以尽量的回顾,尽量的去找寻。

as...as possible.as soon as possible 尽快 还有一种表达,Ill try my best. 我尽量。

你有什么困难,我们尽量帮助解决。近义词:尽力 拼音:jìn lì 英文:[strive]解释:竭尽自己全部的力量,竭尽全力。尽:用力完成。造句:凡事尽力而为,尽自己的最大努力去做,即便是不成功也了无遗憾。

尽力,其汉语拼音为 jìn lì,第一个字和第二个字的都发第四声。尽量,其汉语拼音为 jǐn liàng,第一个字发第三声,第二个字发第四声。


尽量的英文是as far as possible。例句:预先安排好你的路线,尽量走大路。Plan your route in advance, using main roads as far as possible.并且尽量。

尽量的英文:as far as possible 例句:We can imagine, we can review as far as possible, as far as possible to find the.我们可以想象一下,我们可以尽量的回顾,尽量的去找寻。

as...as possible.as soon as possible 尽快 还有一种表达,Ill try my best. 我尽量。

尽量少用 Use as little as possible 尽量 多音字:[jìn liàng][jǐn liàng][词典] (drink or eat) to the full;[例句]我会尽量不惹人注意。

各位评委的英文是:every judge 例句:Hes selfish and benefited himself at the expense of others. Every one took him for the judge, and with good reason.他自私自利,损人利己。